Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Ohio news

The Liberty Aviation Museum in Port Clinton (Erie-Ottawa Airport) has received the former Sunrise Diner from Jim Thorpe, PA. The former O'Mahony diner was cleaned up and given a general once over by Steve Harwin. The expect to open the diner in the spring.
The diner will be known as the Tin Goose Diner. check out their website at
The person who runs their Facebook page also commented n the other two diners that are supposedly in the area. "Both being restored and will be located at the NE corner of SR269 and Port Clinton Rd Eastern."
In the last two years, Ohio has really not been a destination for my travels, so I have only stopped briefly at places. wish I had more time(don't we all) so this could change in the future, but I just don't see it happening.

1 comment:

Rich Patterson said...

The list for Kent Ohio diners includes the "Diner Liner" on Depeyster and Erie streets. That structure is still with us at Fred Fuller Park with Kent Parks and Recreation. After the Diner Liner came Klein and Kavelli plumbing and heating contractors after 1955. The structure is in pretty good shape, on steel beams, but apparently not maintained. A picture could, of course be taken, but not in its original location where Laziza Restaurant occupies a massively renovated downtown in Kent, around 2012. The stainless steel exterior still shines. Ads for the Diner Liner exist in the Daily Kent Stater from 1955. The business of Klein and Kavelli still exists, so historical information could possibly be gleaned from people there.