Tuesday, July 3, 2007

NY Diner's Ohio Diner Project!

The pages are online!!! They are not 100% done, but for the most part, you will have a much better time navigating the pages.

Here are some of the highlights:

Many more pictures! A majority of the diners now have pictures.
Diners split up by region.
List of former diners, again split up by region. Checkmarks tell you what info we have
Master list of current diners. Feel free to cut and paste for your road trip. But I do not give the right to copy it onto your web page or publication.

Things that will get worked on:

Map on the main page to give people an idea of the layout of the state.
For the current diners page: better formatting, hours?
A page dedicated to the diner manufacturers that were located in Ohio.

Wish List:

Coming up with a better way to list the diners that used to do business in Ohio. The list is ok the way it is, but it's tough adding more detailed info for the general public.

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